Funding Crisis

Funding Crisis

Northern Athletics (NA) was established in April 2007 when the governance of athletics in England was taken over by England Athletics (EA).
NA’s forerunner – North of England AA - had always been a financially viable body, funded mainly through an athlete registration scheme at £2.50 per athlete and income from unattached road race levy fees with both of these income streams taken by EA.

Since then NA has continued to provide athletic competition in the North using the reserves it had built up together with monies received from entry fees, sponsorship, gate / programme sales and equipment hire. A ‘competition grant’ from England Athletics has also been received in recent years; this is £37,000 for 2013/14. 

With the above income, there is an annual shortfall of around £50,000 which increases to over £100,000 without any sponsor & EA monies. It is believed that future funding from EA will decrease significantly and this has put the future of NA into serious doubt as without additional funding we will be unable to continue providing our current competition programme after 2015.

Currently, Northern Athletics provide competition in Track and Field (indoor & outdoor), Cross Country Championships and Relays, Road Running Relay Championships plus some distance races within open races. This provision, we believe, through events supported by NA, provides both a key development pathway for athletes and officials hoping to progress to national and/or elite level whilst also delivering an important level of competition which for some people is the pinnacle of their athletic or officiating careers. This is important for the sport as it recognises the different goals ranging from grassroots to elite.

In order to establish whether Northern Athletics should continue beyond 2015 we are asking clubs, athletes and coaches in the Northern Athletics Area if they will complete the following questionnaire which will assist us in reaching a decision on the future. Following receipt of these views, consultation meetings will be held across the NA Area in February/March and the survey results shared with you all. Dependent upon your views we will be able to make a decision on what course to pursue with regard to the future.

Northern Athletics Survey